..What is Kerambit anyway?? Nice name, I like it though..
Some people find it very easy to amaze to certain things. Things amazed to one but ordinary to other. It actually depends to one’s perspective and internal cognitive thinking ability. Honestly, I don’t run very fast to catch up with amazing things but to tell you the truth Kuala Lipis is one literally amazing place. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to promote this hollow town but only to share my experience here and what this little town has done to make me amazed.
Well, if you haven’t heard this town before, you may google it but it’s just a small town that once the state capital of Pahang before they moved it to Kuantan. In fact, Siti Nurhaliza, Malaysian’s most adorable and well known singer came from here. Yes, Kuala Lipis is a historic town with all those ‘ancient’ landmarks and civilizations. Nonetheless, I rather doubt that UNESCO would choose this town as a world heritage. Enough said.
I went there with my family to send my little brother to his school. I have been there before several times for the same purpose (I don’t see other reason to be here). Let’s start with the basic need of life—the need to feed! I must say this place provides with a lots of un-scrumptious food. I’ve tried so many restaurants and countless of kedai makan and amazingly, none I repeat NONE of these food-provider outlet give something I can even eat of. I’m not really fastidious when it comes to food. I’m not Anthony Bourdain but rather Andrew Zimmern. He always said, “If it good, eats it”. Hell yes, but, I’m afraid the foods look not pretty let alone to be tasty. I know Kuala Lipis is geographically located in the middle of peninsular Malaysia, but it’s a rubbish excuse if you said you are lack of salt or salt shortage. Sugar shortage is common but salt? Come on! If you know where’s the best soup, or famous chicken rice, or crunchy turmeric grasshopper or anything that is good to eat, please let me know. I really mean it. I guess you will not find something to eat to your heart’s content here!
Honestly, my visit to Kuala Lipis is one hell of rare incident. Fever of Fifa World Cup is like a virus crawling through your vein; it affects your daily life. Your family, your work, your lives come to a stand halt because of this once-in-four-year-tournament. No, I will write about World Cup after it ends but not today. But here, World Cup doesn’t change anything. It’s like it doesn’t even exist! Weird, very weird indeed. I tried with my father looking all over this town to find a restaurant that has tv to show world cup matches—the hotel doesn’t provide my room with Astro. In desperately need of tv, we looked, we searched, we find the right spot. Yes, there are restaurants with tv but no Astro installed. Un-believe-able-ly, there is a kedai makan with 40’’ LCD tv with Astro installed to it, but amazingly, there’s no sport package! Hell yes that is one hell good marketing strategy if you ask me! No sport package! To add to my amazing moment’s list, we found a group of young men, around 20’, lepaking in bus stand, during the football match. Mengumpat pasal anak jiran Meon, Tipah, that her boobs are getting bigger, and talk about how to upgrade their motors when the pocket is kosong. I don’t know about your places, but, in my place, that is one rare moment. Finally, after all those hard works, we found it. Even it needs to look obtuse to see the match like when you go to pawnshop for mortgage. At least we made it to watch it.
I think I must stop now; the next part will be in a moment. I promise the next part would be the beauty of Kuala Lipis. Amazing!
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